Friday, December 26, 2014

Release Day Blitz {Teaser + Chapter 1}: Striving for Acceptance by B.L. Mooney

Title: Striving for Acceptance
Series: Striving #3
Author: B.L. Mooney
 Release Date: December 26, 2014


Third in the Striving Series, but can be read alone.

We all want to feel accepted, but sometimes we do unacceptable things. When we push it too far and do the unforgivable, are we still allowed to hope for that acceptance?

Or are we doomed to accept a life of loneliness?

My current bed friend is someone who’s struggling to find his own acceptance. His big crime? He’s following his dreams. His father can’t accept the fact he no longer wants to follow in his footsteps. Should he be shut out because he quit the family business? I don’t think so. But if he should, I’ve got bigger problems.

My crime?

I cheated on my husband and then killed the man I cheated with. Would you still accept me?

Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence.

Links to Buy


Also Available





“Could you hand me another clay pot, please?” I was crouched down, getting the displays ready for opening day. Never mind it was still three weeks away. I needed to keep busy.
The pot appeared before me and I grabbed it. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
I turned my head to the male voice and was inches from a bulge I’d gotten used to having in my face. I hadn’t seen what the bulge was made of yet, but he sure liked thrusting it in my face every chance he could.
I snipped the shears I had in my hand. “You’re very brave to come that close.” He backed up. “That’s what I thought.”
I stood and looked at him. His curly blond hair needed a cut, as usual, and the smirk on his face needed to be smacked off. I tilted my head to the side and wondered what he would look like without the scruff he tried to pass off as a beard. Why should I care what he would look like? I shook my head.
“What do you need, Mick? I’m busy.”
“I just thought I’d see if you needed help.”
“As I’ve told you the other fifty times you’ve come over, no. I’ve got everything under control.”
He rocked back on his heels and looked around. “It does look good.”
“Thank you.”
My sister, Rachael, came from the back and smiled. We were complete opposites. She had long, wavy blonde hair while my hair was black and cut short. You might have been able to tell we were from the same gene pool if I showed my body off the way she did, but I liked to keep things a little more under wraps compared to her curve-hugging style. Besides, I’d always been the more casual type and she was all about the latest styles. It looked good on her, but I’ve got better things to worry about than clothes.
The other thing which set us apart was the fact she was friendly. I wasn’t. “Hey, Mick, what brings you over?”
“Just being neighborly.”
I rolled my eyes and turned to work on another display. “We’ve got it. Thanks for stopping by.”
Rachael waited until he left. “You’re not very nice to him.”
“He isn’t someone I want to be nice to.”
“I think you could be very nice to each other.” She smiled. “I’ve tried to get Carl to grow some scruff like that. It’s sexy. The least you could do is play nice with him and tell me if it—”
“Look, he’s the lease-holder. I don’t need to be caught up in that. Plus, he’s a little rude, always pushing his cock in my face.”
Her hands fell to her sides. “Excuse me?”
“Yes, it’s always there.”
She smiled. “Maybe you’re just always looking.”
“Don’t you have to pick up Amy?”
“Shit.” She looked at her watch. “I really do, but this conversation isn’t over.”
I mumbled, “It is for me.”


I had just finished wiping down the counter even though I’d already cleaned it a dozen times. I wasn’t ready to go home. I wanted to make sure it was perfect for opening day.
There was a small tap on the door. “Let me in already!” Mick yelled.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door. “It’s unlocked. Just open—” I opened it to see him balancing two plates and two glasses of wine. He walked past without an invitation. “What are you doing?”
“Come over and help me.”
Curiosity got the better of me. I walked over and watched as he turned his ass to me. “Take out the tablecloth, will you? It’s a little big, but if you keep it folded in half, it should fit the counter.”
I took the tablecloth from his back pocket and laid it out as he said to. “What are you doing?”
“Dinner.” He set the plates and glasses down. “You never leave for dinner or have anything ordered in.” He looked me over. “You’re too thin.”
I placed my hands on my hips. “Excuse me?”
“You need to keep your strength up if you’re going to run a company by yourself. You need to take care of yourself or you have no business taking care of anything else.”
He handed me a napkin with a fork and knife and pointed to the plate. I watched him grab a couple of stools for us. “Eat.” He sat on his stool and dug in. “Are you going to tell me you don’t like steak?”
I shook my head. I sat down and looked at the steak, baked potato, and green beans. “I’m just trying to figure out what your motive is.”
I looked up. “You want me to pay you for this.”
“No, I want you to pay for your lease, and you can’t do that if you run yourself down.” He took another bite and pointed at my plate. “Eat.”
I could live with that answer. It was honest and impersonal, so I liked it. I started eating. “This is really good.”
“How did you keep it warm?”
“I don’t live far.”
We sat in silence and finished our meal. It wasn’t uncomfortable. The sounds of the utensils against the plates filled the air and before I knew it, I had cleaned the plate.
“See, you feel better now, don’t you?”
I allowed a small smile. “I do. Thank you.”
He nodded and looked around. “It’s remarkable how good this place looks. You’ve done a great job.”
“Thanks. Thank you for dinner, too.”
He turned back to me and smiled. “You’re welcome.”
A police car with lights and sirens went by and I started shaking. He noticed. “I’m going to take the plates to the back and rinse them off for you, but I don’t have any detergent to clean them.”
He held my hand and stopped me from taking his plate. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, it just startled me, is all. I’ll be right back.”
He allowed me to go to the back with the dishes. I set them in the sink and took a deep breath while I hung my head and leaned on the counter. I wondered if Al was available. It made it easier after I moved into Rachael’s apartment to see her neighbor down the hall, but it also made it more difficult to avoid him. I needed to forget life for a while and he always helped me with that, but he had started to want too much. I just wanted sex.
“Hey.” Mick came into the back, scaring me. I jumped, dropping the knife in the sink. “I’m sorry. You were just back here a little longer than I thought it would take to rinse plates.”
“I must be tired.” I grabbed a hand towel and dried the plates. “They still need soap, but at least you won’t get anything dirty.”
“Thanks.” He looked back out to the front. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No. There’s nothing to talk about.” I walked around him and took the plates to the counter. He had already folded the tablecloth.
“Okay, but I’m a pretty good listener.”
“I’m not good at talking. Just ask my sister.”
He smiled. “I’m not, either. I think that’s what makes me a good listener.” He looked around. “Well, I think I’ll get out of your way and let you go home. You need to rest up for your big day.”
I laughed. “That’s a lot of resting. It’s still a few weeks out.” What I needed wasn’t rest. I checked my watch. Al went to bed early, and I needed to catch him before he went to sleep.
He pointed to my watch. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
“Not exactly. I wanted to catch a friend before he went to sleep.”
“I’m allowed to have male friends.”
“I never said you couldn’t.”
“It was implied.”
He raised an eyebrow. “From one word?”
“It was the tone.”
He tilted his head forward. “The tone was surprise that you liked the male species.”
“I’m a lot closer.”
“To what?”
He stepped up to me but didn’t touch me. “For what you need your friend for.”
We stood there staring at each other. He was probably wondering if I was going to take him up on his offer, and I was wondering if he was serious. It didn’t matter. I couldn’t get involved and risk losing the shop, no matter how promising the bulge he constantly put in front of me was.
“You have no idea what I need my friend for.”
He walked me backwards until I hit the counter. “You want him to take care of your needs. Needs you suddenly have ever since that cop car went blaring by. You need him to help you forget life for a while, to make you feel good, and protected.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “Deny it.”
I swallowed as he leaned in more, pressing his body to mine and reaching behind me to grab the dishes. I closed my eyes when he walked away. The breath I had been holding was finally released. Al better not have gone to sleep yet.


I unlocked my door and threw my purse on the chair. I wanted to take a shower before I went to Al’s. He didn’t care if I came over dirty from working in the shop, but I cared. Before I got to the bathroom, there was a knock on my door. I smiled; only one person knocked like that. He could shower with me.
I opened the door and smiled even wider. “Hey, I was just going to jump in the shower and head over, but you can come in with me. My back needs washing.”
He stepped in, but didn’t look happy. “Deb, we need to talk.”
I lowered my head and shut the door. I was dreading this day, the day he demanded more than sex. I turned and looked at the guy I’d spent the last several months with but knew very little about. That was how I wanted to keep it.
He was blond, dumb, and a great fuck. That’s all I needed to know and all I wanted to know. I was going to miss the orgasms he could give me. Fuck. “Al, we’ve talked about this.”
“No, actually.” He looked at the package in his hands. “I met someone.”
I took a step back. I hadn’t expected that. “You did?”
“Yeah, and I want to be exclusive with her.” He handed me the package.
“What’s this?”
“A goodbye gift.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “Don’t open it until I leave, but I feel bad about this.”
I put the box on the side table and hugged him. “Do not feel bad at all. I’m very happy for you.”
He hugged me back. “You are?”
“Of course.” I backed up and patted his chest. “You have a big heart in there and have wanted to give it to someone for a long time. I’m glad you’ve found someone to give it to.” I looked at the gift. “You really didn’t have to.”
He smiled. “Yes, I did.” He checked his watch. “She’s coming over any minute, so I should get back to my apartment. Thanks for being cool with this. I’m going to miss you.”
“I’m not going anywhere, champ. We’ll still see each other. We’ll just see each other with our clothes on.”
He smiled and nodded as he walked out. I locked the door behind him and turned to the package. I should’ve given it back to him. He didn’t need to give me anything. What I received from our time together was the only thing I’d wanted from him. I opened the package and smiled. I guess he wanted to make sure I still had my orgasms.
I took it out and looked at the deluxe model vibrator he had given me. I wasn’t much into vibrators and didn’t have the need for them with him next door. I shrugged and took it to the bedroom. I didn’t have him anymore, so no need for his money to go to waste.

Author Bio

B.L. Mooney started writing when the voices and storylines in her head ran out of room. They were getting too cramped and neither B.L. nor the characters could take it anymore, so she did the only thing she could do—she made room. She always knew she wanted to write, but vowed to make time for it later. Now that she’s made time for writing, most everything else falls to the wayside. That seems to suit the characters that keep popping up in her head just fine.

B.L. lives in the Midwest, and her other talents include in-demand cookies, a very dry sense of humor, and stealth eavesdropping. Some mannerisms, attitudes, or twists come from random sentences picked up while passing by strangers. So speak up the next time you have something to gossip about. You never know, it may just end up on the pages of the next book you read.

She loves to hear from her readers and you can contact her via email at

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Release Day Blitz {Excerpt + Giveaway}: The Winning Side by CM Doporto

Title: The Winning Side (University Park #3)
Author: CM Doporto
Release Date: Dec 21, 2014
Find on Goodreads

Lexi’s determined to keep her word and stand by Raven’s side because her love for him is too strong to deny.  As Raven learns to deal with the issues that are destined to destroy him and their relationship, their love is taken to a new level. As doors are closed and new ones are opened, Lexi and Raven find themselves in a heavenly bliss, but not without the challenges from Raven’s past. With a true test of love, Lexi and Raven have to decide if they are willing to do whatever it takes to be on the winning side.

Delaney held up a light pink sweater to her chest. “This is hideous. You have to trash this thing.” She flung it behind her.
“Hey, I like that sweater.” I dashed after it and then gave it a once over and agreed with her. It was something my mom had bought for me and it had Betty Homemaker written all over it with pearl buttons and a jacquard trim. I shoved it in the return-home bag. “I think coming back to the dorm will be good for both of us. When Raven’s having a bad day, I can just come back here so he can have some time to himself. Time to process whatever he’s going through.”
And time to fight his demons.
“And you trust that he will be okay.” She threw one of my skirts over her head. “He won’t plunge off the edge and go back to where he was, will he?”
“I’ll check on him. It’s not like I won’t see him. And if needed you can take me to his apartment, right?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Who’s apartment?” Raven stood in the doorway carrying my bags.
“Your apartment, silly.” I smiled at him, trying to displace any unnecessary fear or jealously. Although Raven hadn’t seemed liked the jealous type, I wanted to keep it that way. That was one less thing I didn’t have to worry about in our relationship.
“Hey, what’s this?” Delaney held up a pink and silver Victoria Secret’s gift card.
“Where did you get that?” I said taking it from her hand.
“It was buried in your clothes.” She pointed to the mound on my bed.
Raven looked over my shoulder as I opened the flap.
Have fun shopping with Raven. Love, Dad.
“Holy shit. Is he serious?” I looked at Raven and he smiled. Was my dad trying to make up for my mom going bat shit crazy and burning all the lingerie Raven had bought me?
“Damn!” Raven covered his mouth with his fist. “Three hundred bucks. We can buy you a lot of sexy stuff.” Raven cocked a brow. “When are we going?”
“Whenever you want.”  I eyed him with a hungry stare. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get enough of him.
Of his taste.
Of his touch.
Of his scent.
I was permanently caught in The Raven’s trap. And I wondered if he was really done with setting out his bait and happy with the catch he’d caught. Time would only tell. I shook my head, trying to calm my ranging hormones.
“Is that it?” I asked, looking at the two bags by the door.
“What do you mean, is that it?”  He huffed, gripping his waist. “I brought up like five bags. And there’s still more at my apartment.”
“I’m sorry.” I walked past him and headed for the closet. “I didn’t ask my dad to bring me all of my clothes.”
“I know.” He grabbed my hand and spun me around. I slammed against his body and rested my hands against his broad chest. “If you’d just stay with me, then we wouldn’t have to hauling all of your stuff back and forth.”
His scent laced around me, making it difficult to stand my ground. “But I am going to stay with you.”
“Yeah, but not every night.” He pressed his lips to the sensitive part of my neck and my mind quickly forgot why I had talked myself in to coming back to the dorm. “I need a little bit of this every night.” He popped me on the butt and I squealed.
“Okay, I’m outta of here.” Delaney dropped the clothes in her hand.
“No. I need your advice.” I tried to wiggle out of Raven’s arms, but he only held me tighter. “I need you to help me pick out clothes that will make me look sexy.” I glanced up at Raven and he let out a low growl as he continued to nibble on my neck, not paying any attention to Delaney. I leaned to the side, trying to break free, even though I really didn’t want to. “Raven, stop.” I pleaded with a tone that said yes, more than it said no.
“Looks like you’re about to get undressed so I’ll help you later.” Delaney step aside and headed for the door.
“Thanks, Delaney.” Raven said as he kicked off his shoes and started to pull off his shirt. His stomach tensed and I caught a nice view of his elegantly chiseled abs.
“Shit, I almost forgot.” Delaney turned around before pulling the door shut. “Whoa! Can you wait until I get out? I don’t need a glimpse of the freak show.”
“Hurry.” Raven tossed his shirt on the chair. “I don’t have all day.”
Delaney’s eyes landed directly on Raven’s midsection for a full count of three before she finally tore them away and looked at me. “Do y’all want to grab a pizza with Luke and me later?”
Raven looked at me, waiting for a response. “I’m game if you are,” I said, feeling the hunger pains bubble up in my stomach.
His lips spread into a full smile. “Sure, but I’m game for something else first.” Raven encircled his arms around me and pressed his lips against my ear as his hands wondered up and down my backside.
“What time Delaney?” I grabbed his arms, trying to restrain him from feeling me up in front of my roommate. He stretched his neck, trying to kiss me. I laughed, unable to resist his tempting offer. After all, I was already in his trap and I was there to stay.
“Is an hour long enough?” Delaney appraised Raven from head to toe and then gave me a wide-eyed warning.
“No, but we’ll make it work.” He said, undressing me with his eyes.
I giggled as Raven picked me up and tossed me on the bed, landing on top of my clothes.
“I warned you, Lexi,” Delaney said, as she pulled the door shut.
“I know. But I can’t resist The Raven’s trap.”

Opposing Sides - Find on Goodreads

College senior, Lexi Thompson, finds herself in a relationship to be wed to the university’s star baseball pitcher, Collin Norris. Collin’s damn hot, but his lack of spark has Lexi thinking twice before she says ‘I Do’. When she’s forced to tutor bad boy football quarterback, Raven Davenport, she soon discovers all the things she’s missing in her relationship with Collin. Will she succumb to the temptations enticing her, or will Collin be able to convince his sweet, innocent fiancée that his love for her is genuine despite his lack of affection?



The Same Side – Find on Goodreads

The engagement's off and with Collin behind her, Lexi has decided that the temptations of Raven Davenport are too strong to be ignored. It doesn't take long for Lexi and Raven to find themselves wrapped in each other's affection, but not without the challenges that life poses. But can she withstand the world he's created or will the forces that are against them rip them apart? Love, faith, betrayal and heartache ripple through their lives as they fight to be on the same side.

CM Doporto lives in the great state of Texas with her husband and son enjoying life with their extensive family along with their Chihuahua, Mexican Redhead Parrot and several fish. She writes Young Adult and New Adult stories about ordinary women who do extraordinary things, become a heroine, and find love along the way.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blog Tour: Club Prive: French Connection Vol. II by M.S. Parker





A trip to France was supposed to fix everything for Gavin and me. Two weeks in one of the most romantic places on Earth should've been a dream come true. Instead, it was turning out to be a nightmare. When Carrie arrives at her hotel to find two naked women in bed, claiming that Gavin invited them, she thinks things can't get any worse. Then she meets Adrienne, yet another gorgeous woman who has her sights set on Carrie's man. To distract herself from her boyfriend's constant interaction with these women, Carrie teams up with Pierre, a handsome local journalist trying to uncover a sex trafficking ring in the Cannes. Despite a renewal of passion in their sex life, Carrie can't help but wonder if this is the beginning of the end for her and Gavin. You won't want to miss the second book in M.S. Parker's sizzling series, Club Privé: French Connection.



Buy Links


Club Prive Vol. I (Free):

Club Prive Vol. II:

Club Prive Vol. III:

Club Prive Vol. IV:

Club Prive Vol. V:

Club Prive: French Connection Vol. I:

Also available on Barnes & Noble, iBooks, & Kobo

About Author

M. S. Parker is a USA Today Bestselling author and the author of the Erotic Romance series, Club Privè and Chasing Perfection.
Living in Southern California, she enjoys sitting by the pool with her laptop writing on her next spicy romance.
Growing up all she wanted to be was a dancer, actor or author. So far only the latter has come true but M. S. Parker hasn't retired her dancing shoes just yet. She is still waiting for the call for her to appear on Dancing With The Stars.
When M. S. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading- oops, scratch that! She is always writing.

Author Links

Tour Host OUAA

Blog Tour {Excerpt + Giveaway}: Always by Suzanne Halliday

Title: Always
Author: Suzanne Halliday
Release Date: Dec 1, 2014


Meet Stephanie Bennett
The one-time beauty queen and widowed mother of Tori St. John, arrives at the Marquez Villa to be with her feisty daughter and husband Draegyn, as they count down the days to the arrival of their first child.
It all seemed so simple. Arizona would be a nice change of pace from Stephanie’s life in Atlanta.

And then she meets Calder Dane

Alex’s down-to-earth doppelgänger of an uncle takes over day-to-day operations of the agency so his nephew can focus on his upcoming wedding.

It all seemed so simple. Calder was close to Alex, loved being in Arizona and was happy to help out.

Sparks fly when these two meet because nothing is ever simple with Family Justice!

Alex and Meghan

The foundation of the expanding Justice family is blissfully enjoying their engagement with loads of wicked sexy times and a bit of match-making thrown in to keep things interesting!

Draegyn and Victoria

In what feels like the tenth month of a difficult pregnancy, the couple face challenges that put a strain on their happiness. Can their unconventional love survive?

Cameron and Lacey

It’s all good at the Cameron household as their love story continues. Dylan’s growing like a weed, Lacey takes to motherhood like a champ and Cam? Color him – happy.

Get ready for Brody Jensen to drop a bomb about his past while Parker Sullivan is revealed to have more to do with the Marquez family than just being Alex’s oldest friend!

There’s never a dull moment with Family Justice!



Meghan watched as Alex swiftly exited the room, pulling the door almost completely shut on his way out. She wiggled her fingers to keep the blood flowing and danced around on the balls of her feet, taking in every little thing about the tack room. She even eyed the strange sawhorse-looking thing and decided that with a blanket thrown over it, the height would be perfect for what she had in mind. Hell, he could even tie her hands to the legs so she couldn’t get up at all. That would be fun.
A minute passed. Then another and another. Figuring he must have run into the barn where a cooler of water bottles was always on hand, Meghan hummed a little tune and looked forward with anticipation to when her wicked fiancé would return. Her reaction to the riding crop surprised the hell out of her. She was in no way a masochist—any more than Alex harbored hidden sadistic tendencies. Their kinky fun times were more suggestive than anything else. It just ramped up her excitement knowing she was helpless while he messed with her.
The door pushed open and she spun around, her hands gripping the jute where it was looped over the hook above her head. Only it wasn’t Alex standing in the doorway. It was a shocked and horrified looking Draegyn who was losing all the color in his face as he stood there, slack-jawed, taking in her appearance.
Oh, my God, she thought. This was just too damn funny for words.
“Hey Drae,” she chirped as if nothing weird was going on. “You’re back! Nice black eye, by the way.”
The usually unflappable security operative with the 007 reputation was speechless. And embarrassed. Meghan was trying not to laugh like crazy.
“Um, Alex will be right back,” she told him. “He just went to get something.”
All of a sudden, he whirled away so she was talking to his back. “Jesus Meghan,” he muttered. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
She giggled and said, “I don’t think we were expecting you back so early.”
“Look, tell Alex I’m, uh, home. I’ll talk to him later.” And with that he all but ran as Meghan struggled not to dissolve in a fit of laughter.
* * *
Alex was hurrying back to the tack room, carrying two bottles of cold water and the riding crop. As he came around a corner at the end of the long passageway, he ran head first into a fast moving object.
What the fuck? Draegyn?
“It’s your own damned fault,” Drae yelled at him. “I do security for a living god dammit. Fuck Alex!”
“Whoa, whoa,” Alex drawled. “Slow the fuck down and hello to you, too.”
The dark, almost malevolent glare Drae threw at him got his eyebrows bumping together.
“When a door that is normally locked is left ajar, I’m going to check it out, you dumb motherfucker. Just be glad I didn’t do it with a gun drawn.” Drae was practically unglued and barking like a mad dog.
Alex shook his head. What the fuck was he bitching about? An unlocked door? Ohhhhh. Shit! Meghan. Glancing down the dark passage he suddenly understood why Drae was almost hyperventilating.
Thumping him on the chest, Drae snarled again, “Your own damn fault,” then stomped away with a deep growl.
Hurrying to the tack room, Alex pushed open the door and found his sexy fiancée dangling like she had a starring role in Fifty Shades of Barnyard Fuckery with a laugh evident on her face. Thank fucking God she was still dressed and all his brother really got an eyeful of was her bra, and of course, the way she was tied and hung from the ceiling.
“Honey, I think Drageyn’s home,” she giggled.
They both roared with laughter for a full two minutes until Alex closed the door and locked it, uncapped the water bottle, and held it to her mouth for a long sip.
“Now, where were we?” he asked silkily.

About the Author

Suzanne Halliday writes what she knows and what she loves – sexy adult contemporary romance with strong men and spirited women. Her love of creating short stories for friends and family has developed into a passion for writing romantic fiction with a sensual edge. She finds the world of digital, self-publishing to be the perfect platform for sharing her stories and also for what she enjoys most of all – reading. When she’s not on a deadline you’ll find her loading up on books to devour.
Currently a wanderer, she and her family divide their time between the east and west coast, somehow always managing to get the seasons mixed up. When not digging out from snow or trying to stay cool in the desert, you can find her in the kitchen, 80’s hair band music playing in the background, kids running in and out, laptop on with way too many screens open, something awesome in the oven, and a mug of hot tea clutched in one hand.


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