Saturday, June 15, 2013

Okay, so I have to gush about this very cool website where you can either lend or borrow kindle books. I recently found this website off of a Goodreads group I'm in and love it. I know some readers are against lending and borrowing books, but for those that don't mind you guys should totally check out this website ( Almost all kindle book are lendable but not all. I can't tell your how many book I've read off of this website. I love it! For those that want to lend out their kindle books all you have to do is search for the book you want to lend and and their will be two choices(Lend or Borrow) and you just click lend, it's that easy. And don't worry, your kindle book do get back to you.
If you've been to this website, what book have you borrowed or lent? If you haven't visited before do so and comment about your experience. Also if you have any questions about the website just comment down below, I would be happy to help.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, wow I've never heard of this site before. SUCH a good idea though! I'm going to have to give it a look. Thanks for sharing!
