Saturday, November 30, 2013

BLOG TOUR: (Synopsis + Giveaway) Othrinia's Rain by A.J. Adwen

Orthrinia's Rain Blog Tour Banner


If truth gave a freedom that could destroy all you've ever known, would it be better to live shackled to a lie? When the kingdom of Othrinia was split down the middle at the hands of feuding twin kings, leaving Othrinians scattered and the new land of Veodue secluded in desolation, these two lands, worlds apart, became the epitome of light and darkness. Raenah Brookshire is not a typical Othrinian young woman. She yearns for adventure and chases danger with a passionate drive that is unmatched by the people of her village, Farreloch. It would seem as though her life is rich with possibilities, but she has no idea just how far they’ll take her. A mystery of her birth is uncovered by sheer chance that leaves her reeling in shock and betrayal. The key to who she is lies in the hands of a dark Veoden stranger who begins to plague her dreams. He has the answers to her undying questions, but refuses to offer them without a price. Caught between the life she knows and a passion more rich than the darkness before the dawn, Raenah must decide herown fate.

Meet the Author

Adwen is an Oregon native, born and raised in the mountains. She currently resides in Oklahoma with her husband and three cats, where she devotes the majority of her time to writing and photography.

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Book Blitz: The Forgotten Ones by Laura Howard


The Forgotten Ones (The Danaan Trilogy #1) by Laura Howard
Published April 28th, 2013
Published by Amazon Digital Services
Allison O'Malley's plan is to go to grad school so she can get a good job and take care of her schizophrenic mother. She has carefully closed herself off from everything else, including a relationship with Ethan, who she's been in love with for as long as she can remember.

What is definitely not part of the plan is the return of her long-lost father, who claims he can bring Allison's mother back from the dark place her mind has gone. Allison doesn't trust her father, so why would she believe his stories about a long forgotten Irish people, the Tuatha de Danaan? But truths have a way of revealing themselves. Secrets will eventually surface. And Allison must learn to set aside her plan and work with her father if there is even a small chance it could restore her mother's sanity.

Purchase Links:


Ethan paused just inside his bedroom door and turned to look at me. His face was scrunched in concern. “What is it, Al?”

“Nothing. I was just thinking about something Rachel said to my cousin the other day.”

He waited for a moment. “Are you going to tell me what it was?” he asked.

“Um, no. I don’t think I will,” I whispered. I tried to keep my voice from cracking as he moved closer to me.

“Well,” he said, his gaze moving down to my lips. “How am I supposed to make you feel better if you don’t tell me what upset you?”

I inhaled sharply as he kept moving forward. I took two steps backward before I bumped into the wall.

“She might have said something about you only being interested in me because I’m no-man’s land,” I managed to squeak out.

Ethan chuckled, and I could feel it vibrate through me. “No-man’s land, huh?”

“That’s right. And she said I’m probably a lesbian, anyway.”

His face was inches from mine now.
“You’re not a lesbian, are you, Al?” he teased, trying to meet my eyes.

“I don’t really have much to base my opinion on,” I said, the words just barely audible above the beating of my heart. “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

“For the sake of your own peace of mind,” he whispered, leaning in so that I could feel his breath on my lips. “I’d be willing to help you figure it out.”

My pulse spiked, and I willed it to slow down so that I could form a witty reply. But, he didn’t give me a chance. His lips just brushed against mine, soft as a feather. He brought his hands up and cradled the back of my head. So gentle. His lips moved against mine—not taking, only asking.

His fingertips trailed down my arm and made me shiver. I pulled back, needing to breath. He didn’t let go of me though.

“We should go back outside, before we ruin this by fighting.” His smile was genuine, if the slightest bit wistful.

I blushed. Yeah, he was probably right.

About the Author:
Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn’t until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known. The Forgotten Ones is her first published novel.

Laura is offering a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky winner. The embed code and the link to the Rafflecopter can be found below.

Blog tour: SOAR by Alyssa Rose Ivy

ABOUT SOAR (The Empire Chronicles #1):

In the city that never sleeps the Chronicles continue…

Serving coffee is temporary, just like Casey's year off from school. She’s going to come up with a plan to stay in New York City and go back to college, and that plan does not involve dating a paranormal creature—let alone two.

Running the supernatural society of New York is not as fun as it sounds, especially when you still have to answer to your ex-girlfriend’s fiancé. Toby doesn’t mean to bring Casey into the chaos of his life, but he can't resist the girl who makes him smile when he thought no one else ever could.

Jared's in New York checking out a security risk for his best friend, the king. He plans to return to New Orleans quickly, but not if it means losing his chance with the brunette who pretends she wants nothing to do with him.

In over her head with a bunch of winged creatures who most definitely are not angels, Casey has to figure out who to trust with her life and maybe her heart.

Soar Except #2

I waited for him to leave the room before turning to look at her. “Why hello, sleep over girl. Or should I call you Casey? Nice to see you again.”
She frowned. “Is it really nice?”
I didn’t like the frown. I needed to fix it. “It is, although I’m a little disappointed.”
“That you misled me. I thought you were a single woman who happened to stay over at her friend’s house.”
“I stayed in his guest room.”
“But was it really a friend’s guest room?” 
“Yes. No. I don’t know.” She crossed her arms. “Just drop it.” 
“I’m just looking for a straight answer. Are you, or aren’t you with Toby?” I was asking to mess with her, but I actually cared about the answer. 
“You don’t know?”
“Listen, Jared. That’s your name, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Glad you remember it.”
“Whatever. I just survived a bear attack and found out that you guys have wings. Excuse me if I’m not forthcoming with answers about my love life.”
In my state of annoyance over seeing her with Toby, I hadn’t thought about the significance of her knowing who we were.
“And you’re okay hooking up with us anyway?”
“First of all, I’m not hooking up with you, and second of all, we weren’t hooking up. We were kissing.”
“Kissing horizontally with his hands underneath your clothes.  I was maybe five minutes early for the fireworks. Maybe ten if Toby’s decent with some foreplay.”
“Ugh. Shut up. We are not discussing this.” She blushed again, and she couldn’t hide how flustered I was making her. 
“Why not?” I brushed my fingertips against the back of her neck. 
She flinched but then leaned back into my hand. Interesting.
“Because I don’t discuss this kind of thing with random people.”
“Didn’t we just establish I’m not a person?” God, it was fun to push her buttons.

About Alyssa Rose Ivy:

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

SOAR Blog Tour Schedule
November 18th
I Read Indie-Excerpt & Review
Always YA At Heart-Character Interview & Review
Anna’s Book Blog-Excerpt
November 19th
My Guilty Obsession-Review Only
Some Like It Paranormal-Author Interview & Review
November 20th
November 21st
Library of a Book Witch-Guest Post & Review
Lite-Rate-Ture-Review Only
November 22nd
A Life Bound By Books-Character Interview & Review
Reading Rainblog-Review Only
Reading Between the Wines-Excerpt
November 23rd
The To Be Read List-Review Only
Part Of That World-Review Only
November 24th
Word To Dreams-Author Interview
Simply Sarah’s Corner-Review Only
November 25th
Confessions of a Vi3tbabe-Guest Post & Review
Cocktails & Books-Review Only
November 26th
Whirlwind Books-Guest Post & Review
November 27th
A Dream Within A Dream-Review Only
Roxy’s Reviews-Guest Post & Review
November 28th
Mostly YA Book Obsessed-Dream Cast & Review
Rumpled Sheets Blog-Excerpt
November 29th
The Reading Cow-Review Only
The Last Chapter-Excerpt
Sassy Girl Books-Review Only
November 30th
December 1st

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blog Tour + Giveaway: The Island & The Waves by Jen Minkman

The Island (The Island #1) by Jen Minkman
Debut: June 1, 2013
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages: 138


“I walk toward the sea. The endless surface of the water extends to the horizon, whichever way I look.Our world is small. We are on our own, and we only have ourselves to depend on. We rely on the Force deep within us, as taught to us by our forefathers.
If I were to walk westward from here, I would come across a barrier – the Wall. Behind it, there are Fools. At least, that’s what everyone says.
I have never seen one.”
Leia lives on the Island, a world in which children leave their parents to take care of themselves when they are ten years old. Across this Island runs a wall that no one has ever crossed. The Fools living behind it are not amenable to reason – they believe in illusions. That’s what The Book says, the only thing left to the Eastern Islanders by their ancestors.
But when a strange man washes ashore and Leia meets a Fool face to face, her life will never be the same. Is what she and her friends believe about the Island really true?
Or is everyone in their world, in fact, a Fool?


WHEN I step out of my bedroom door, mother and father are waiting for me in the hallway.
The clothes I’m wearing feel uncomfortable. They’re grown-up clothes: rough-textured and of practical cut. Made to last for a long time.
“I go my own way,” I say softly. The words that every child utters at age ten – the words my brother will say after me today – don’t sound as if I’m sure of them. But I am, because I know this is right. I clear my throat and speak up. “I stand on my own two feet. No one takes care of me but me.”
Father nods solemnly. Mother looks pale and is staring down at her hands. Why won’t she look at me? Is this her way of saying she wants nothing more to do with me? I haven’t even moved out yet. Dull disappointment grows in my stomach like a heavy brick.
The door next to mine swings open, and Colin steps over the threshold. My twin brother. He’s wearing brown pants and a simple shirt. Slung across his shoulder is a bag containing a few possessions he doesn’t want to leave behind. Almost all of our things will be destroyed after our departure, our rooms cleared, so we won’t ever be tempted to return. Not that I would want to. I’m done here.
Colin coughs. “I go my own way,” he says with a quiver in his voice. His eyes search our mother’s. “I stand on my own two feet.” A tear rolls down his cheek. He’s having a hard time with this. Oh well – he’s the youngest, after all. There’s a half hour between us.
“No one takes care of you but you,” father finishes the speech, when Colin can’t go on.
When I pass my mother, she suddenly puts a hand on my shoulder. “Leia,” she says, pulling a simple bead necklace from her dress pocket. It has a painted and glazed walnut for a pendant. “For you.”
My heart skips a beat. That’s the necklace my mother got from her mother when she moved out. And now she’s giving it to me.
“Thanks,” I whisper. Just for a moment, I imagine her giving me so much more than this. I feel this can’t be the end, but just then my father pushes open the front door for us. I walk out after my brother, into the early daylight, away from my mother.
Colin is waiting for me and grabs my hand. “You coming?” he mumbles.
We walk down the path without looking back. We’re going to the manor, where we will live until we get married and have children ourselves.
The front door slams shut. A new life has begun.

Author Info:

Jen Minkman (1978) was born in Holland, in the town of Alphen aan den Rijn. When she was 19, she moved between The Hague, Salzburg (Austria), Brussels (Belgium) and Cambridge (UK) to complete her studies in intercultural communication. She is currently a teacher of English and Dutch at a secondary school in The Hague, Holland. She tries to read at least 100 books a year (and write a few, too!). She is a published author in her own country, and translates her own books from Dutch into English for self-publication.
In her spare time, she plays the piano, the guitar and the violin. For every novel she writes, she creates a soundtrack.
>> I have always been drawn to writing. My first book was a sci-fi novel at the age of eight, which I painstakingly typed out on my dad’s typewriter and illustrated myself. Nowadays, I stick to poetry, paranormal romance, chicklit and/or fantasy. In my home country, I am the first-ever published writer of paranormal romance, and I will gradually make my books also available in English (seeing I have to re-write and translate the books myself, this will take some time!).<<

The Waves (The Island #2) by Jen Minkman
Debut: October 4, 2013
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages: 174


Walt lives in Hope Harbor, an island community that has put its trust in salvation from across the sea. The townspeople wait patiently, build their ships to sail out and welcome the Goddess, and piously visit the temple every week. Horror stories to scare their children are told about the Unbelievers on the other side of Tresco.
But not all is what it seems. Walt has questions that no one can answer, and when his best friend and cousin Yorrick is killed in an accident, he digs deeper to find out the truth about the origins of Hope Harbor’s society… and the secrets of the temple.

Giveaway Time!


THE FIRST memory I have of my grandfather is of a moment that we share together.
I’m sitting on his knee looking out over the harbor. Grandpa is smoking a pipe. He points at the horizon. “Look, Walt. Our ships are out there. And one day, another even more beautiful ship will appear at the horizon. A mighty ship to take us all away.”
“Where to, Grandpa?” I ask curiously.
He remains quiet. “No one knows exactly,” he says at last, “but that doesn’t make it any less fantastic. One day, that ship will come in. And Annabelle will be on the prow with open arms, inviting us all to come on board.”
The Goddess with black hair waving in the wind, as portrayed on the biggest wall of our temple.
“Why don’t we sail to her ourselves?” I want to know.
“Because she promised she would come,” Grandpa replies. “And in that promise we trust. It’s only the Unbelievers who think they can do everything themselves. They have no faith in the Goddess.”

I was only five, but I still clearly remember feeling a cold shiver running through my body after hearing that last remark. Most children in Hope Harbor are scared of the stories their parents tell them about the Unbelievers: if you don’t visit the temple every week, they will get you in your sleep. If you don’t listen to the priests, they will send you out into the wilderness behind the Wall where the Unbelievers dwell, their robes of black and masks of horror a sure sign of their sinfulness. Once they sink their claws into you, there’s not a chance you will ever return.
But that was then.
I know better now – because I’ve been there, and yet I am still alive.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Blog tour: {Playlist + Giveaway} For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron

For Real by Chelsea M. Cameron

Coming in November 2013


Two people. One fake relationship. What could go wrong?
When virgin Shannon Travers gets fed up with her friends demanding that she find a boyfriend, she enlists the help of tattooed, mohawk-rocking graphic design student Jett. He’s more than happy to play along with their Fake Relationship, including the Ten Rules of Fake Dating that control-freak Shannon comes up with. Even if he likes to violate them. Repeatedly.
But what happens when Fake Dating starts to feel… not fake anymore? Will Shannon be willing to let go and embrace the first thing in her life that’s ever felt REAL?

Right now, you can get FOR REAL for just .99 cents!!!

Buy Links:


Grand prize winner receives a $100 Amazon Gift Card and Crane bracelet. 5 Runners up receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card and Crane bracelet. US Only!
Chelsea M. Cameron is a YA/NA New York Times/USA Today Best Selling author from Maine. Lover of things random and ridiculous, Jane Austen/Charlotte and Emily Bronte Fangirl, red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, vegetarian, former cheerleader and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, singing in the car and tweeting (this one time, she was tweeted by Neil Gaiman). She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.

Her New Adult Contemporary Romance titles include My Favorite Mistake, which has been bought by Harlequin along with a sequel, Deeper We Fall and Faster We Burn (April 20, 2013)

Her Young Adult books include Nocturnal, Nightmare and Neither, the first three books in The Noctalis Chronicles. The fourth and final book, Neverend will be out in 2013. Whisper, the first in The Whisper Trilogy is also available, with the second book in the series, Silence and the final book, LIsten coming out in 2014.


***Wanna follow the rest of the blog tour? just click here.***

Ginger Voight’s Birthday Bash Sale, New Release, Scavenger Hunt & Signed Paperback GIVEAWAY!!

Ginger Voight's Birthday Bash Sale, New Release, Scavenger Hunt & Signed Paperback GIVEAWAY!

Make sure to check out all the Sales listed below - options for everyone!

BEST DEAL: Two Complete Series (6 books) = Sale $9.99 for a limited time!!

Join Ginger for her Birthday Scavenger Hunt - CLICK HERE - it is her birthday, but YOU get the prizes!

The COMPLETE Groupie Trilogy by Ginger Voight!

When Andy Foster met the sexy front man of an up-and-coming rock band, the most she could imagine was a steamy stolen night of passion. But her attraction to Giovanni Carnevale hit her like a bolt of lightning. Soon she was traipsing all over the country, an unintentional groupie, finding herself thrust into his path even when she knew it was a very bad idea. Over four years their romance would face indiscretions, crazed stalkers and the interloping paparazzi, keeping these star-crossed lovers circling around a happily ever after they could never quite catch.
In the beloved "Groupie" trilogy by Ginger Voight, three books tell the passionate and angst-driven tale of Andy and Vanni. Now, "Groupie," "Rock Star" and "Mogul" are available in one volume that tells their story from that first meeting in Philadelphia to an explosive conclusion on the opposite coast.
This is your backstage pass to find out why readers, reviewers and book bloggers have fallen for a love story that was never supposed to happen.

The Complete Groupie Trilogy (all 3 books) - $5.99

Groupie/Rock Star Bundle - $1.99

Groupie - Book #1 - $2.99

Rock Star - Book #2 - $2.99

Mogul - Book #3 - $3.49

NOW AVAILABLE (Release: Nov. 19th)

The COMPLETE Fierce Trilogy by Ginger Voight!

Fierce: The Complete Trilogy contains all three books in the series: Fierce, Unstoppable and Epic. These books are a spin-off of the best-selling GROUPIE trilogy by Ginger Voight. As such, many characters you already know and love come back to help Jordi tell her coming-of-age story, all against the exciting, glittering backdrop of fame and celebrity.
Eighteen-year-old Jordi Hemphill had a dream. It was much bigger than she was ever encouraged to have because it was much bigger than those around her thought she deserved. These perceived limitations were all directly tied to her double-digit figure. When she finally realizes she has reached a dead end in her small Iowa hometown, Jordi makes a break for the bright lights of Hollywood. And that's where the fun begins.
Her audition tape fortuitously lands in front of media mogul Graham Baxter. Jordi is cast on a new reality show called "Fierce." As a show billed to find talent outside of the picture-perfect pop idol machine, Jordi joins a cast of irregulars and nonconformists to vie for her opportunity to win over America and become the newest singing sensation.
It is the first of many instances where Jordi gets exactly what she thinks she wants, only to find it was nothing at all like she could have ever expected. Instead she finds herself on a two year saga to make all her big dreams a reality, fighting unexpected antagonists all along the way. Her true antagonist, however, is herself. The only thing bigger than Jordi's dream is her sneaking suspicion that everyone else is right... that she doesn't deserve to be happy, to be successful... to be loved. It takes a cast of colorful characters to show Jordi that ultimately the only key to success is self-acceptance, whoever you are, whatever you have and whomever you love.

Fierce - The Complete Trilogy (all 3 books) - $5.99

Fierce/Unstoppable Bundle - $1.99 (Sale of the Week)

Fierce - Book #1 - $2.99

Unstoppable - Book #2 - $3.99

Epic - Book #3 - $3.99


GIVEAWAY (provided by Brandee's Book Endings)

SIGNED Paperback - Winner's Choice of Groupie OR Fierce